In the 9/6/07 issue of Rolling Stone magazine, with Maroon 5 on the cover, lead singer Adam Levine's mother makes a provocative statement:
"I wouldn't let him listen to kid's music in the car. I was playing The Beatles, Paul Simon, Fleetwood Mac."What struck me about this is that whenever I would get in the car to go for a drive with my own family, we also listened to the popular music of the day: The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jesus Christ Superstar or whatever was on the radio. I don't remember being exposed to that era's equivalent of The Wiggles, Barney, and Raffi.
So I wondered how much does this make a difference? Does this (or does this not) affect a child's musical development? It would be easy to say that listening to too much Wiggles might dampen musical creativity., Yet some of the criticisms that can be made of children's music can be said of pop and rock: it is repetitive, harmonically unsophisticated, annoyingly catchy.
And what to make of the whole Baby Einstein, Baby Mozart, etc. genius development records out there? Will we see a new wave of classical music giants in the next generation?